Want to help us conserve?
Our Volunteer Program is a vital aspect of our commitment to Marine Conservation, Research, and Education. Participants of all ages from across the world enjoy the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution, both to our self-funded research projects and educational outreach programs in the local community. Led by seasoned Marine Conservation professionals, the experience is both uplifting, informative, and most importantly, fun. Read on below to find out more about some of our exciting projects.
South African Boat-Based Whale and Dolphin Watching Permit Regulations
- Members of the general public may not approach within 300m of whales or dolphins by sea or air.
- Ocean Blue Adventures is one of the two permitted whale watching companies in the Plettenberg Bay area, and may approach whales up to a distance of 50m. Only one vessel may conduct an encounter at a time.
- Once at 50m, if the animals approach the boat, we may stay in position and travel with them.
- A total of 30 minutes is allowed within the 300m radius. This includes 20 minutes with the animals and 10 minutes for approach and departure.
- We are to approach the animals from the sides and never from in front or behind. Furthermore, we may not wait in front of the whales for them to approach . they must always have the right of way.
- Within the 300m radius, we will drive boats at a slow speed, never exceeding 10 knots and at a no-wake speed within the 50m radius.
- If the animals exibit behaviour that suggests disturbance or avoidance, we will leave the animals.
- We may not approach whale mother-calf pairs. If these are encountered, we will leave the animals immediately. We may not approach whales in the Robberg Marine Protected Area.
- It is not permitted to feed, touch or make excessive noise in the presence of the animals seen on the encounters.
- We also undertake to be respectful of all other marine life encountered on the excursion, including Cape fur seals, seabirds, sharks etc.
- Nothing may be thrown in the water
- Sustainable Research
- Predominantly self-funded by our core business and the ORCA Foundation Volunteer Program, we have initiated several focus projects affecting local marine conservation. Our intention is to continue to make our findings available to management authorities to assist in related decision-making processes. We further this mission by hosting various education initiatives aimed at increasing awareness about our fragile marine ecosystem in the community, with a particular focus on the youth. The ORCA Foundation collaborates with other organisations and institutions to increase the collection, sharing and dissemination of data.Projects
- Cliff-Top Monitoring of Seals, Sharks, Whales and Dolphins in the Robberg Peninsula Marine Protected Area
- Regular Observation Sessions are conducted at designated monitoring sites overlooking the Robberg Peninsula Marine Protected Area. We monitor the presence and behaviour of seals, sharks, and cetaceans, along with that of recreational fishermen and tourism vessels. With the recent seasonal increase in the presence of great white sharks around the seal colony, we are particularly interested in recording interactions between the two species. Data will also be used to illustrate the importance of Marine Protected Areas, both to marine life and the tourism industry.
- Opportunistic Boat-Based Surveys with Ocean Blue AdventuresA favourite activity among our ORCA Foundation volunteers is the chance to join Ocean Blue boat trips to collect opportunistic data related to sightings in the course of the trip. This includes photographing fin profiles of any whales, dolphins, and sharks seen, along with recording any injuries or entanglements of seals at the colony. Vagrant species and other incidents relevant to the conservation management of the bay are also recorded. All the information collected is used in collaborative research and added to citizen science projects, to assist in gaining a better overview of the bay’s ecology and the management thereof.
- Marine Mammal Stranding Response and Necropsy
- In the unfortunate event of the stranding of any deceased marine mammals, members of the ORCA team are qualified to assist in the collection of samples for research. These are transported to the Port Elizabeth Museum for analysis and use in various studies. On occasion, we will also assist with live strandings of seals, which are individually assessed and treated before being released. As members of the local Marine Stranding Network, we are also on hand to assist on the rare occasions that live whales or dolphins strand in our area of operation.
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